It seems just five minutes ago that I started running baby massage and baby signing classes. I was on maternity leave with my eldest son Joshua, who is now in high school, which I am struggling to believe where that time went either!
My dream of providing friendly and relaxed classes for parents and their babies and toddlers has grown from strength to strength in the 10 years. Toddle Talk has also, since 2015, become a Teacher Training Programme to enable other enthusiastic people to train to become a baby signing instructor with Toddle Talk and I am pleased to say that we now have baby signing classes being run across England and Wales.
My Baby Senses infant massage classes continue to run smaller, more intimate groups for new mums / dads to be able to come for support, fun and friendship, in a non judgemental environment. They learn how to massage each area of their babies' body over a course of 5 weekly sessions and have some lovely 1:1 time getting to know their babies' like and dislikes but also to realise that the muddle of emotions they are going through is not just them, but that we all feel that way at some point during parenting.
Thank you to everyone who has been a customer over the last 10 years, I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting every single one of you and very much look forward to meeting more new parents and babies over the next few years! Ann x
Toddler Time!
We are proud to officially launch our Toddler Time classes which are especially designed for 2 - 4 year olds to enjoy with their parent/ carer.
At this age your little one is getting ready for the next stages of communication, physical and neurological development. They will have a curious mind, boundless energy, are generally able to walk, run, jump and climb, enjoy simple games but have a short attention span.
Toddler Time works to build on these stages while still having fun!
Whilst designing this class both the EYFS, Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and Jolly Phonics synthetics phonics system were used to underpin everything we do in the class. We aim to work on, encourage and nurture 3 key areas of any toddler’s next stages of development. These are;
Or in simple terms we aim to get a toddler communicating more with speech and sign, adding vocabulary to their range, challenge their brain, learning about the world around them and physically knackering them out in each session in a fun and learning way!
Classes are run on Wednesdays at 11am at Alan Road Methodist Church Hall, IP3 8EZ
We offer a selection of classes to suit your baby/toddler from birth to 4 years old and all are run in a relaxed and friendly environment, where no crying baby is shushed and friendships are always made.
Check out our Class Timetable and book yourselves a place for the new term in January now. Spaces are limited, so don't delay!
Our in house illustrator has just released this lovely children's book, available free on Kindle through Amazon.
Click here to download your copy and cuddle up with your little one to enjoy this lovely colourful story about a little spider!